May 2024

Unveiling Vancouver's Real Estate with "The Closing Couch" Podcast

Posted on May 20, 2024

Forget the frantic scramble for that perfect property – "The Closing Couch" is here to open doors to a calmer, more fulfilling Vancouver real estate experience. Hosted by seasoned realtors Polly Reitze and Kim Taylor, this podcast isn't just about closing deals, it's about empowering you to make informed, heart-centered choices that lead to a happi...

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Keeping Up With The Vancouver Real Estate Market

Posted on May 16, 2024

The Vancouver real estate market is a dynamic force, constantly in flux. Prices fluctuate, trends emerge and evolve, and staying informed can feel like chasing a moving target. But for anyone considering buying, selling, or investing in Vancouver real estate, staying aware of these changes is crucial. 

Why? Knowledge is power, especially in such a f...

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